1113年現有建築師開業登記數(Current number of Current Number of Architects with a Business License)114-02-07
2113年現有各等營造業家數統計數(Current number of Contractorwith a Business License)114-02-07
3113年現有建築師開業登記數(Current number of Current Number of Architects with a Business License)114-01-14
4113年現有各等營造業家數統計數(Current number of Contractorwith a Business License)113-06-20
5112年現有各等營造業家數統計數(Current number of Contractorwith a Business License)113-02-01
6112年現有建築師開業登記數(Current number of Current Number of Architects with a Business License)113-02-01
7112年現有各等營造業家數統計數(Current number of Contractorwith a Business License)113-02-01
8112年現有各等營造業家數統計數(Current number of Contractorwith a Business License)113-02-01
9112年現有建築師開業登記數(Current number of Current Number of Architects with a Business License)113-02-01
10113年1-4月現有建築師開業登記數(Current number of Current Number of Architects with a Business License)113-06-20
11111年現有建築師開業登記數(Current number of Current Number of Architects with a Business License)113-02-01
12現有各等營造業家數統計數(Current number of Contractorwith a Business License)113-02-01
13建築管理各項證照核發件數等統計資料(Statistics on various permits and licenses issued regarding building management)113-02-01
14違建查報認定、拆除件數及舊有違建處理概況等統計資料(Statistics on illegal building inspection, demolition and overview of existing illegal building processing status)113-02-01